South Carolina Legislature

Department of Transportation

Subcommittee: Economic Development, Transportation, & Natural Resources

Subcommittee Chair: Bruce W. Bannister

Subcommittee Members: Hon. Neal A. Collins, Hon. Mandy Powers Norrell, Hon. Robert L. Ridgeway

Agency Website:

Agency Head: Christy Hall

Study Contact: Wendy Nicholas
Contact Email: [email protected]


Agency Goals & Strategic Plan

At the highest level, an agency's goals logically and naturally derive from the agency's mission statement. Goals state what the agency wants to accomplish over the next two or three years. They provide the basis for decisions about the nature, scope, and relative priorities of all programs and activities. Agency actions should facilitate the attainment of one or more goals.

Below are links, by year, to Excel documents that include details about the agency goals, objectives in the agency's strategic plan, and the programs that help the agency accomplish its strategic plan. Also included is an overview of the agency's strategic plan at the time the Subcommittee was meeting with the agency. This information was provided by the agency in its Annual Restructuring Report, Program Evaluation, Request for Information, or Accountability Report.

In the Strategic Plan Details Excel document, details of the goals are on one tab and details for each objective are on separate individual tabs. The Objective tabs include the person responsible for ensuring the agency accomplishes the objective; amount spent to accomplish it; performance measures; potential negative impact to the public if the agency does not accomplish it; any external or internal reviews or audits which relate to it; and the entities with whom the agency is currently working in order to accomplish the objective.

The Agency Programs and Related Objectives Excel document includes a list of the agency's programs, a description of the program, the legal standard requiring the program and the objective in the strategic plan that the program helps to accomplish.

Click on any of the links below to go to the applicable part of this webpage:

Strategic Plan Overview

Goal 1 - Improve Safety

  • Public Benefit/Intended Outcome:
  • Output: SCDOT is taking a data-driven approach to diagnose crashes and identify appropriate countermeasures, which include four components-engineering, education, enforcement and emergency response. SCDOT will deploy highway safety and roadway construction funds to address engineering related countermeasures.
  • Outcome: Accelerate the progress in reducing fatalities and serious injuries. Also, reduce the number of equipment accidents and injuries in the workplace.
  • Responsible Employee: Leland Colvin, P.E., Acting Deputy Secretary for Engineering (Responsible for 1 year)

  • Strategy 1.1 - Develop, implement and manage a data-driven highway safety programs.

  • Objective 1.1.1 - Reduce the number of fatalities and serious injuries on the state highway system.

  • Strategy 1.2 - Promote Workplace Safety throughout the agency.

  • Objective 1.2.1 - Reduce the number of workplace injuries and lost work hours.

  • Goal 2 - Preserve our Transportation Infrastructure

  • Public Benefit/Intended Outcome:
  • Output: A risk-based asset management approach will enable SCDOT to optimize preservation investments by selecting the right treatments at the right time for the right projects that will yield the greatest benefit at the lowest cost. A tiered, risk based preservation strategy will direct preservation investments to the most heavily used and critical facilities.
  • Outcome: A strategy of continuous upkeep to prevent deterioration of good pavements, targeting a portion of fair pavements to bring them up to good condition and addressing some of the most critical facilities needing reconstruction or replacement. In the end, stop the declining trend of pavement deterioration that has been taking place since 2008.
  • Responsible Employee: Leland Colvin, P.E., Acting Deputy Secretary for Engineering (Responsible for 1 year); Ron Patton, P.E., Deputy Secretary for Intermodal Planning (Responsible for 1 year)

  • Strategy 2.1 - Develop a risk-based asset management plan that optimizes investments in our roads and bridges.

  • Objective 2.1.1 - Decrease number of roads and bridges moving from "good to fair" and "fair to poor."

  • Strategy 2.2 - Develop a risk-based program targeting posted and closed bridges.

  • Objective 2.2.1 - Strategically reduce the number of posted and closed bridges.

  • Strategy 2.3 - Use the transit asset management system to optimize replacement of public transit vehicles.

  • Objective 2.3.1 - Reduce the proportion of the state's public transit fleet that has reached minimum useful life.

  • Goal 3 - Optimize Mobility

  • Public Benefit/Intended Outcome:
  • Output: SCDOT will invest in strategies to extract as much capacity out of the existing system as possible. Operational improvements such as synchronized traffic signalization, highway service patrols or incident clearance protocols can add capacity by allowing greater throughput. Strategies to improve intermodal connections and to provide modal options in some areas and corridors can provide freight and passenger mobility alternatives, which also can result in greater throughput in some locations and corridors.
  • Outcome: Access to jobs, schools and services for daily living, and providing choices in how people and goods may move are essential to maintaining dynamic communities and robust quality of life in today's competitive economic climate.
  • Responsible Employee: Leland Colvin, P.E., Acting Deputy Secretary for Engineering (Responsible for 1 year); Ron Patton, P.E., Deputy Secretary for Intermodal Planning (Responsible for 1 year)

  • Strategy 3.1 - Continue to support an ITS and Incident Management Program.

  • Objective 3.1.1 - Increase Traffic Management System coverage of strategic locations to enhance incident notification and hurricane evacuation.

  • Objective 3.1.2 - Increase the number of lane miles of incident response coverage to increase safety and response to disabled motorists and incidents.

  • Strategy 3.2 - Develop and implement a performance-based Transit Program.

  • Objective 3.2.1 - Improve transit ridership and efficiency.

  • Strategy 3.3 - Continue support for a three-year pilot program in counties introducing public transit service for the first time.

  • Objective 3.3.1 - Increase access to public transit service.

  • Strategy 3.4 - Identify and deliver projects that relieve bottlenecks and recurring congestion.

  • Objective 3.4.1 - Reduce congestion on our highway system.

  • Goal 4 - Enhance a Strengthening Economy

  • Public Benefit/Intended Outcome:
  • Output: A well-functioning, efficient transportation system is essential to sustaining the manufacturing renaissance and to ensuring continued economic development opportunities in all areas of the state. SC, strategically located along the southeastern coast, is crisscrossed by five interstate highways, offering excellent east-west and north-south access. The State Ports Authority opened an inland port at Greer extending the port's reach 212 miles inland and is preparing to accommodate the new post-panamax container ships with deepening of the Charleston Port's harbor to 50 feet. Palmetto Railway is embarking on the construction of an intermodal rail facility at the Port to coincide with the arrival of the new, mega container ships in 2019. Four primary commercial airports, several reliever airports and general aviation facilities across the state provide excellent passenger and freight air service. Preservation and modernization of SC's aging highway and bridge system is essential to keep pace with our growing economy.
  • Outcome: SC led the southeast out of the most recent recession with exceptional growth in manufacturing. A business-friendly climate, talented workforce and attractive quality of life continue to attract investment and create well-paying jobs. The SC Department of Commerce reports that in 2013 the state recruited 127 new manufacturing and service industries, bringing more than $5 billion dollars in capital investment and more than 15,000 new jobs, one-quarter of which are located in rural areas. The transportation system not only enables economic development but also ensures maintenance of a vibrant SC transportation engineering and construction industry.
  • Responsible Employee: Ron Patton, P.E., Deputy Secretary for Intermodal Planning (Responsible for 1 year); Greg Davis, Director of Business Development & Special Programs (Responsible for 1 year)

  • Strategy 4.1 - Identify SC Freight Network and incorporate appropriate considerations into project ranking criteria.

  • Objective 4.1.1 - Improve freight mobility along freight corridors.

  • Strategy 4.2 - Strengthen the responsibilities of the Office of Minority Affairs and Small Business.

  • Objective 4.2.1 - Increase participation by minority, women, and small-owned businesses.

  • Strategic Plan Documents & Previous Strategic Plans

  • Strategic Plan Details (Excel Spreadsheet) (2015-16)
  • Agency Programs and Related Objectives (Excel Spreadsheet) (2015-16)
  • Compare to the Goals of other Agencies (Excel Spreadsheet) (2015-16)

  • Responsible Employee Explained

    The Responsible Employee for an agency Goal may have different teams of employees to help accomplish the goal. The Responsible Employee is the person who, either alone or in conjunction with a team and appropriate approval, determines the strategy and objectives necessary to accomplish the goal.

    The Responsible Employee for an agency Objective may have employees or teams of employees to help accomplish the objective. If it is a small agency, it may be the same person responsible for the overarching goal. The same person is not required to be responsible for all the objectives. The Responsible Employee has some level of decision making power as this person, in conjunction with the team and appropriate approval, sets the performance measure targets and determines the plan for how to accomplish the objective.

    Legislative Services Agency
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